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Winter Journal 2024


Case study: Irrigating with stormwater saves mains water and reduces pollution

Three questions to ask when designing a rainwater harvesting system

Desalination for agriculture - benefits and challenges


Map out your own career path - certifications and short courses to suit everyone 

Meet the trainer: Luke Cummins 


Irrigation Australia Conference and Exhibition - a preview

Staying in Sydney after the conference? Here are some must-see attractions

Irrigation for safety and animal welfare at greyhound racing club

Inconsistent state laws lead to dropped water theft cases

Technology for effluent irrigation: helping dairy farmers make informed decisions 


  Click here to view the Winter Edition of the Journal.

Earlier Editions

Advertising in the Journal

The Journal is distributed in digital format to Irrigation Australia members in all sectors of the irrigation industry, i.e. resellers, water users, rural water supply companies, agencies, manufacturers, academic institutions, local councils, turf and golf course irrigation managers, and consultants ( a reach extending over 5,000).

The publication is also shared with state and university libraries; Ministers of Resources and Environment; selected environmental groups; overseas affiliated organisations; allied learned societies; industry associations; selected government agencies; media and trade agencies.

Download Media Kit

Issue Dates & Features for 2024


Material Deadline



Autumn (April)

15 March

8 April

Editorial Features:
• Urban Design
• Digital Technology in irrigation 
Advertising Features: Smart irrigation and irrigation products

Winter (July)

14 June

8 July

Editorial Features: 
• Training and Professional Development
• Irrigation water sources - rainwater harvesting, pumped aquifer, recycled water
Advertising Features:
Rainwater harvesting

Spring (September)



Editorial Features: 
• Irrigation Australia Conference and Exhibition 2024
• Centre pivot and travelling irrigation systems
Advertising Features: 
Automatic control

Summer (January)

6 December

13 January

Editorial Features: 
• Pumps and pumping
• Case studies: design and installation
Advertising Features: 
Annual pumps and pumping feature

Advertising Enquiry


Irrigation Australia welcomes articles about irrigation technology, practice and policy. Article length should be between 500 and 2000 words, and graphics such as photos and diagrams are encouraged.  The journal focuses on practical application of technology and policy, with case studies being a preferred approach to conveying messages, where applicable. Because of its wide readership in the industry we try to provide something for everyone. For any editorial enquiries including contributing to the journal please submit an enquiry below



Business Management

An article or articles on some aspect of business management as it relates to the service sector in particular e.g. financial management (insurance, superannuation, tax, pricing labour), OH&S, retail management (e.g. shop layout) and promotion.

Rural Irrigation

An article on a technical aspect of agricultural irrigation, e.g. pump troubleshooting, metering water, info on systems.

Urban Irrigation

An article of a technical aspect of urban irrigation, e.g. installation, auditing, equipment.

Training and Professional Development

Article on some aspect of E & T e.g. new developments, courses available.


Description of a research project taken from conference papers and R&D Corporation information. Articles are to focus on end results, benefits and practical application.

Around Industry

Focuses on what is happening around the commercial sector, including new appointments.

State Roundup

Focuses on what is happening around the states in a policy and government sense.

Big Issue

Strategic and big picture issues to do with the irrigation water supply sector in Australia

Products and Service News

News and advertorial on new products and services

Become a contributor by contacting our Editor Eve White by clicking HERE